100 unicorns by 2030: VCs say Emmanuel Macron's goal is achievable

Romain Dehaussy, partner at Cambon Partners comments : "10 unicorns per year"
To gauge whether the goal of 100 unicorns in 2030 is achievable, "we should start with a statistical study based on the A Series over 2021-2022 and take 2 parameters: the time it takes to go from Series A to unicorn and the probability that it happens. The same process should be replicated with the B series. We have 25 unicorns, we need 100 in 8 years. That's 10 new ones a year to reach the goal. There are positive elements that have been in place for years: digital transition of the economy, professionalization of the tech sector, etc. But there is a negative factor to be taken into account now: the decline in valuations. There is enough money in the late stage, but entrepreneurs complain about the difficulty of finding talent. So we need to focus on training with specialized schools and recruiting foreign talent. We should not oppose the consolidation of current unicorns and the emergence of new ones, but priorities must be established. Helping start-ups to emerge seems to me to be essential. We can think that EcoVadis and Sorare are strong enough and international
enough not to be helped by the public authorities. As for the goal of 25 green unicorns, we are seeing a rise in the number of companies in this field, whether through conviction or opportunism, and, in parallel, the emergence of specialized funds. Let's hope that this will lead to the emergence of these green unicorns, which will be good news for the environment."

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